
Monday, July 2, 2012

QR codes: My 1st Monday Made It Link Up!

This is my first link up to another blog and I am so excited!  This blogging thing is so much fun!  I made the following last night, and then was looking at some other posts on Facebook and the 4th Grade Frolics website, so I thought I would add this in!  I hope you like it and hope you come back and visit often!  You can become a follower down at the bottom of my page! :)  Thanks for stopping by!

I just got through creating a QR code for Open House.  I will hang it outside my door and parents can scan it with their smart phones.  It will link them directly to my school webpage.  This is the coolest thing ever! (Well, until the next coolest thing I find! haha)  I'm so excited.  Here's what it looks like:

So cool! 
Now, to make your own, follow these steps:
  • Go to
  • Open your school webpage in another browser window
  • Right-click on the address in the address bar and click copy
  • Back on the qrstuff site, there are 4 steps, but they are super easy!
  • 1) is already done for you (Data Type: Website URL is already selected.).
  • 2) Content: right-click in the box and click paste. There are two buttons below that--you don't need to do anything there.  Move on. :)
  • 3) You don't need to do anything here, either, unless you want to change the color.  I wouldn't.  Move on.
  • 4) Here's where you choose what to do with your code once it's created.  If you choose print, it only gives you options for multiple images, so I wouldn't choose print.  I chose download.  then you can save it to your computer, and then create a page like I did above.
Simple, easy, and fun!  And your new parents and students will think you are so hip!

If you need any help with it, please feel free to email me!  I LOVE TECHNOLOGY!!

Update 7/21/12: I'm also linked up with Jen at Teaching and Tech!  Click the button below to see more technology link ups!  Thanks, Jen!


  1. Super awesome! Didn't know this could be done.. oh the fun you can have with this! Great share! :)

    Reaching for the TOP!

  2. Such a neat idea! Especially in this techno world:) Super fun idea for open house:) I am so excited you were able to link up and hope you can come back next week:)))

    4th Grade Frolics

  3. Thanks for sharing! I'm going to have to pin this to help me remember!

    I Love My Classroom

    1. You're welcome, Emily! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Jenny, Thank you for sharing this info. I have wanted to use QR codes, but haven't been sure what to do. I will be playing with this pronto! Next year I want students to talk about art and writing and science and ... and record themselves, then create QR codes. Wouldn't that be amazing?!?
    An Open Door

  5. You're welcome, Camille! I hope you and your students have a blast with it! Thanks for visiting!
